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Home >> Laos >> Laos Climate

Laos Climate

As with many Southeast Asian countries,Laos has a tropical monsoon climate, which means the weather is hot and humid with plenty of rain in wet season. Generally, monsoons occur at the same time across the country, although that time may vary significantly from one year to the next.


Days are usually warm and sunny almost all year round in Laos. The average temperature there is around 29°C. During the warmest months the temperature can rise to 40°C, while in cooler months it often drops to 15-20°Cat night in lower land likeVientianeand it can even drop below freezing in the mountainous areas.


Laos has two distinct seasons: the rainy (wet) and the dry. Rainy season runs from May to October, which is characterized by a downpour for a few hours every few days rather than all day rain. During the rainy/wet season the humidity is much higher than normal that tends to make the temperature to feel much higher than it is and it can be uncomfortable to travel around. Dry season is from November to April or early May, can be subdivided into two sections: November to February is the cool dry season and March to April or early May is the hot dry season. The cool dry season particularly the months of November and December is the most comfortable time to visitLaos. While the time around April might not be as comfortable a period to travel inLaosas far as climate is concerned, however, it might be more interesting for visitors who want to observe Lao culture because it is a festival season in the country.


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